What Do You Believe?

Travis Green
Jan 2, 2021

I’ve been quite fascinated with a certain three letter word lately: WHY? It has dawned on me that I have gotten to a point in life where I want to know why I believe what I believe. More importantly, I want to believe things for valid and sound reasons. Is this truly achievable? I would like to think so. However, in recent conversations I have begun to doubt if this is standard parlance amongst other human beings. In the “48 Laws of Power” Robert Greene’s 27th Law concerns the human race and our incessant need to believe in something. This has the tendency to create the opportunity for narcissistic individuals to garner power over others.

How is this prevented? Understand the “Why?’’ concerning your belief structures. Be willing to change when presented with new evidence. Change and evolve….



Travis Green

The power of the written word has changed the lives of countless people. Let us get back to our words…. “By Any Means Necessary” Instagram: LetUsTalkBooks